Sunday, April 6, 2008

My Favorite Spanking

Originally posted on Yahoo 360 on Monday September 10, 2007 - 02:51pm (CDT)

I had been given two weeks, like everybody else to choose a character, and a soliloquy from Romeo and Juliet. We all were suppose to get up and read it in front of the class. I hated Shakespeare. Still do. He speaks in poetry.Who speaks in poetry? Plus i was keenly aware of how funny my classmates thought my yankee accent was. I dreaded any times I had to speak at all in class. Now this. I put it off, and put it off, and now the deadline was past . I was in trouble with my favorite teacher. The only Teacher in Monterey Highschool that had actually become friendly with me.

I was tol by Mrs. Lewis That I had been given plenty of time. There wasn't going to be any excuses. And to remain after class. I was crushed! This was my champion. I talked to Mrs. Lewis about everything. She gave me books.(I still have them Mrs. Lewis) Now she was going to beat me like all the rest. Even knowing I was the one in the wrong.That it was my own fault. I still felt betreyed. My eyes burned.

The rest of the hour past.The bell rang, and the class emptied quickly as people headed for their lockers,and home. Mrs. Lewis got up walked to her door,and closed it. I gathered my books ,and made my way to the front of the class. I set my books on a front row desk,and looked at my favorite teacher with glassy hurt eyes.

"Terry Terry Terry" She said with her usual smile."what are we going to do? " She walked around her desk sat on it's edge, and folded her arms.

And then something wonderfull happened!! She listened to my fears. She stated her position. Then we worked out the solution. She had heard me many times talking with an english accent I got from The Beatle cartoon show, and The Avengers. She had also noticed how the girls reacted when I talked that way. So it was decided. I would be reading.."To be or not to be..." In the voice of John Lennon..

So my champion didn't beat me. Not then. Not ever. She encouraged me nurtured me. Defended me . I am thinking of you right now Mrs. Lewis. And I am crying.

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