Friday, June 5, 2009


We had visited where Mistress works. I was introduced to a few co-workers , and sent off to find the book section. I went looking at the stuffed bunnies first (eep eep), and then the toys, and games. Being a collector at heart (aka -packrat), I quickly found myself in the knick knack isle. There amongst the small bookshelves,carved boxes,and picture frames..etc, I found the "ace of spades". It was 4 or 5 inches wide, 10 inches long, and a good inch thick. It was a wooden paddle shaped like an ace of spades! I knew Mistress's eyes would light up when she saw this. I smacked my palm experimentally with it..ooh. it stung!

Later, as we made our way to her apt. in the cool Denver evening I spotted an old familiar friend, Orion was sailing low in the western sky. We were happy! Enjoying being together, discussing our "treasures", and our day. I saw that mischevious gleam in Mistress's eyes as she took out her new toy. As we crossed an asphault parking lot she began playfully swatting my backside with it. Mmmmm. It stung so good! We walked we talked, she smacked. By the time we had crossed the street into the vacant field by her apts. the sting had become serious. And so we crossed the "paddlefield" as it is now forever named. Mistress making her bunny hop, and yip with an ever increasing flurry of paddle swats. At one point she took my elbow, and stopped me. And I got a good spanking standing there under the stars. Ooh..that thing stings! She laid it on good too. By the time we got home my butt was red hot! But mistress wasn't finnished with me. I soon found myself bent over her couch, pants taken down, where I was soundly spanked to tears with a leather strap! OUCH!

Sure does make a bunny wish he was in Denver.....