Saturday, May 3, 2008

A Dangerous Mood

I get in those from time to time, and while the world at large is generally safe they do spell doom for a certain little bunny and his tender little tail.

The other night I asked little bunny if his bottom was tingling. He said "no, why?"

Because we were getting out the Spidy paddle, that's why.

I gave this paddle to little bunny during my visit out to him back in March. It's a slightly flexible plastic paddle about 1/8 of an inch thick. The head is 4 inches wide, just big enough for one cheek or those tender sit spots. The paddle is a bit heavy for it's size, but light as far as spanking implement goes and stings something fierce. I have several of these paddles with different cartoon characters on them. (All found at my local Dollar Tree store, if anyone is interested.) They are quite ouchie.

"Ohhh!" bunny said when I told him to get the paddle. 50 swats on each cheek of his bare bottom. Then 50 more (again this is a fairly light implement, it stings, but it mostly produces an over all red warmth. Very good for warm ups.) Then 50 on the back of each thigh and bunny was wiggling like a little fish. "I can see why Mooska doesn't like those things," he pouted.

Aw, poor bunny; and we were just getting started, too.

Next we got out the special whip he made for me to use on his genitals. After whipping his shaft for awhile, I had him take to the insides of his thighs, stinging them nicely as well.

We finished with something we don't do often. Belts are very hard to use for self spanking, but Terry has gotten enough practice at this point to be fairly accurate and effective with them. I didn't give him a set number, I just made him alternate for cheek to cheek until I said stop. As the crack of the belt sounded again and again I sat back to listen, and to wait.

It didn't take too long to hear what I wanted to hear.

"Please," he said is a quiet, plaintive tone.

"Keep going," I said.

The slaps went on awhile longer.

"Please," he said again. Again, I made him keep going.

The licks continued. He started to cry. "I'll be good, I'll be good," he pleaded, but that wasn't what I wanted to hear. The whipping continued.

At last he said it; "please!" the magic 3rd time. I made him continue for another dozen strokes and then let him stop.

He was sniffling, crying and very very sore, but happy. The very first thing he did (after putting his toys away, he really is a very good boy) was go straight to his wooden chair to sit down so he could tell me how much the wood hurt his burning bottom.

silly bunny. (:))

Ms. Betty

1 comment:

Betty's Goodboy said...

I love it when you get in a dangerous mood mistress(When I'm not in trouble).
I always end up striped red, and so submissive! ooh.
Sitting on my chair freshly whipped, and bare bottom? OOh..I love that too.